L551 - Waymouth

This blog is the home of my Fall L551 class.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Am I spinning anything that looks or resembles a web? As I'm working through the gathering of information for this endeavor I'm struck at how vague the internet can be at times.

Like the students that I try to help on a daily basis I too struggle with the "magic words" to key into a search tool so that I get the "magic results" I'm looking for.

Throughout this process I've tried many combinations of words. I keep coming back to the fact a few key descriptors must be present:
  • wind
  • power
  • generate
  • cost
  • efficiency
  • purpose

As I've surfed around I've noticed that these concepts and or keywords are vital when placed in a context like Google. Like my students, I'm discovering different combinations provide similar yet very different results.

I found one true source of information when researching this evening. http://www.awea.org/ Its the home of the American Wind Energy Association. I'm hoping this site will act as a portal to the questions I'm seeking answers to. Several other online sources have provided decent information to several of my questions. I'm hoping to break down my questions in future posts.

I'm also thinking that I'll begin building my Inspiration web diagram soon from the sites I've marked.


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